6 Office Interior Design Trends to Look Out For in 2023
1. Oh, this? It’s vintage.
Sustainability has become a key focus for businesses so when it comes to building offices or refurbishing them, how they get their materials is super important. Whether they’re sourced close by (therefore reducing the carbon footprint created when transporting the materials), or they’re recycled materials that have been repurposed, sustainable office design is the interior trend to know about for 2023. Nobody wants a new office that comes with a massive carbon footprint price tag.

2. Alexa, when’s my next meeting?
Out with the old and in with the new tech, software’s, and apps. With self-driving cars and virtual assistant tech like Alexa, it’s only right that office technology gets an upgrade too. From video collaboration software’s such as Microsoft Teams now a staple for home, hybrid, and office-based workers, to mobile app-controlled coffee machines being the coolest new office toy, the future of office technology looks bright and promising.

3. Options are key.
Open space design offer versatility and productivity. Through zoom booths, phone booths, open plan desks, neurodiverse spaces, comfy sofa workspaces, etc, why limit your employees to only their desks? Desks are now not the only place that people want to or should work at, so variety is your friend! Especially as they create more opportunities for collaboration and communication between different employees.

4. You can never have enough plants.
They purify the air, they’re bright, they boost your mood and productivity, and also, they’re much prettier to look at than plain white walls. Bringing living biophilic walls into the office combines art with nature, creating a pleasant and comforting space.

5. The bolder, the better.
Bright colours in the form of feature walls, and statement art pieces around the office are great for sparking energy and creativity. If you want to be even funkier, retro patterns in place of bold colours are also a great option.

6. Hold on, I need to take this call.
One thing to note, practicality will never go out of style. Sometimes the office is just a little too loud, or there are multiple Microsoft Teams/Zoom meetings happening around you. This is where phone booths and Zoom booths come in handy. With their noise-cancelling features, you can’t hear the outside, and the outside can’t hear you. You’re able to do what you have to do, in peace and quiet.

If you want to see some of the trendiest projects we’ve done, click here!