Crafting a Custom Office Design for Brand Identity

A well-designed workspace can be a powerful extension of your company’s identity, highlighting values and setting the tone for a dynamic and innovative culture. To unpack this further, we sat down with Creative Manager, India Cornish to explore designing workspaces that mirror not only a company’s visual identity, but also its culture and vision for the future.

Joseph Joseph's reception

Understanding the Essence of Your Brand

Our process begins by diving deep into your brand. We start with a meeting at your current space to grasp current ways of working. As India highlights, “It’s crucial to meet the client and see their existing space to understand what works and what doesn’t work for them.” This initial phase includes exploring your company’s history and culture to uncover the elements that define your brand and incorporate them into the design brief.

Employee engagement through Branded Design

A workspace that visually reflects the company’s brand helps employees feel more connected to the mission and values of the company. This connection can boost morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. Integrating branding into your workspace design isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about fostering a sense of belonging and motivation among employees.

Making a Lasting Impression

The design of your workspace also impacts visitors. Clients, partners, and potential recruits judge your business based on their first impressions. A well-designed space seamlessly incorporating your brand sends a powerful message about your company’s professionalism and commitment to its values.

Balancing Boldness and Subtlety

Incorporating brand elements without overwhelming the space is a delicate balance. Bold colours can make a significant impact but must be used wisely. “There’s a fine line between bold colours being sophisticated and garish colours”, India explains. We often suggest using changeable furnishings and accents instead of painting entire walls in the brand colour. This approach allows for flexibility and sustainability, ensuring the space remains relevant and fresh as your brand evolves.

Creating Functional and Aesthetic Spaces

Functionality and aesthetics can harmoniously coexist in workplace design. “Functionality doesn’t have to be boring,” India emphasises. Minor tweaks can take something from impractical to practical, like laptop tables transforming sofas into viable workspaces. Reception areas set the tone for visitors, while teapoints and breakout areas showcase your company’s creativity and personality for employees.

Trends and Innovations

The trend towards bold colours in workplace design is becoming more popular, these vibrant colours help to reinforce brand identity and make a lasting impression. In recent years there has been emphasis on sustainability and longevity in workplace design. “We don’t want to put things in that will be removed in a few years,” India notes, sustainable design is key.

Practical Advice for Redesigning Your Workplace

It’s important for companies looking to redesign their workplaces to reflect on their brand identity. Is it more about the colours and images they display or the culture you encourage? These factors will influence the layout and where to best allocate resources. It’s also important to balance the needs of staff versus visitors. Understanding the flow and interaction of different teams within the space will impact the design and functionality.

Our approach to workplace design is client-driven and collaborative. “You know how your teams work; we understand design. Together, we find the middle ground where everyday needs meet creative solutions,” India states.

Ready to transform your workspace into a true reflection of your brand? Contact us today to start your journey towards a custom workplace design that inspires and engages. Let’s create a space where your brand’s story comes to life.


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