Innovative Strategies for Small-Space Productivity

Size doesn’t dictate productivity—not when you know how to maximise your space. At Two, we specialise in transforming  workspaces into productivity hubs. By utilising our talented Day Two team, with just a few small tweaks we can help boost your business’s performance. We make every inch of space count with thoughtful design and strategic adjustments, proving that even the most compact floor plates can foster big ideas. We caught up with our Design Manager, Emily Sheridan, to show you how simple yet effective changes can make your small workspace work smarter, not harder.

FOMO's small floor plate office space

Small Changes, Big Rewards

When working with a small floorplate, furniture choice can be a quick win in creating a multifunctional space. Adaptable furniture is versatile and can be used in various ways. Long worktables and adjustable work pods can be reconfigured to suit different needs such as  solo work, collaborative meetings and social gatherings. These chameleon-like pieces adapt to the flow of your workplace, making your space as dynamic as your business.

Vertical storage solutions, such as wall-mounted systems, maximise your usable floor space while keeping essential items organised and accessible. This optimises the layout and draws the eye upward, creating a sense of volume and airiness.

Integrating technology into small workspaces is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity for fostering a productive environment. We equip small workspaces with compact, collaborative tech hubs. These multifunctional desks are designed for quick, collaborative meetings, are strategically placed for easy access, and include built-in charging capabilities. This thoughtful technology setup ensures that even the smallest workspaces are highly efficient.

Building Quiet Zones

Creating distinct zones in a bustling environment is essential for concentration, particularly considering the diverse sensory needs associated with neurodiversity. Acoustic curtains provide a versatile and cost-effective way to manage these sensory inputs by absorbing noise and reducing distractions, fostering quiet zones for focused work, especially in open-plan spaces. Their flexibility allows for spaces to be quickly reconfigured to cater to different activities without needing permanent structural changes.

Glazed partitions are an ideal choice for small workspaces. They allow natural light to fill the space, which helps the office feel open whilst maintaining privacy with the help of manifestations. These partitions effectively reduce noise and provide quiet spaces without making the area feel cramped, making them particularly beneficial in small spaces where traditional walls might make the area feel more confined.

Creative solutions are the key to staying productive and organised in a small workspace. At Two, we excel at implementing creative ideas to maximise both your workspace and business potential.

Ready to see how small spaces can achieve big results? Discover how we transformed productivity for FOMO Rentals, a bustling coworking space, or Pulsar, a dynamic end-user workspace. Don’t miss out on these innovative solutions that could redefine your workspace too!


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