We’ve got a new creative over at Two, say hi to Etaf: our new Junior Digital Executive and latest addition to our marketing team. We caught up with Etaf to find out what she is all about and why she loves all things creative and social media.

What makes Two special?

I really like how on-trend our projects are, they are never boring! I’m always kept on my toes, learning something new which makes me love what I do.

What gets you up in the morning?

My to-do lists. If I don’t complete them, who will understand my gibberish notes?

What motivates and drives you?

Wanting to make my Mum proud.

Biggest career learning curve to date? Or biggest lesson learnt?

Just ask the questions, Etaf. You’re not disturbing anyone. And if you are, so what? We all have questions and there’s nothing wrong with that.

How do you stay creative? Where and how do you get inspired?

I’m quite a creative person naturally and like to write a lot. Fiction books, mystical TV shows, TikTok and Pinterest (which I’ve just started getting into) keep me creative and inspired. Also, looking back at old Tumblr blogs that I used to be obsessed with.


A little bit more…

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