Meet our new Commercial Graduate, Emily! We sat down with her to learn more about our latest team member.

What makes Two special?

It’s a very youthful company and everyone is super friendly. I also find the projects really exciting, and I love how everyone in the team is involved, regardless of what department they’re in.

What gets you up in the morning?

The fear of missing my alarm.

What motivates and drives you?

I’ve always lived in the south of Manchester, but I really wanted to move to London and experience the bustling city life. However, I wanted to make sure that when I moved, I worked for a company that I could see myself at long-term, and Two felt like the right place for me.

Biggest career learning curve to date? Or biggest lesson learnt?

One thing I’ve learned is how to cope with stress and pressure well. I’ve been able to learn how to balance and prioritise my tasks throughout the week, and also the importance of being patient with myself.

How do you stay creative? Where and how do you get inspired?

I really love music and films, they give me so much creative inspiration!


A little bit more…

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