We’ve got another BIG addition to team Two. Meet Lance, our new Project Manager. This is everything you need to know about him.

What makes Two special?
It’s a unique small and impactful team, this makes us more agile than larger teams and ultimately allows us to respond quickly to our clients needs.
What gets you up in the morning?
I like the buzz and I thrive off pressure and of course interacting and socialising with my team, knowing that we are all united in working towards the same goal.
What motivates and drives you?
Delivering a job for your client and seeing their face and happiness when you’ve completed the project and handed over their keys. It’s knowing that you have given someone exactly what they wanted and have delivered on that promise.
Biggest career learning curve to date? Or biggest lesson learnt?
If you want something done do it yourself, harsh but true!
Who do you admire the most in a career sense?
Richard Branson, he really is proof that anyone can make it and remain down to earth.
How do you stay creative? Where and how do you get inspired?
I’m at my most creative when I am problem solving, finding solutions to complex design implications onsite and making stuff happen.